As many of you may already know, the seventh and final book of the Harry Potter series was released at 12:01 am July 21, 2007. Kiara and I decided to take advantage of the opportunity to enjoy the enthusiastic fans at the book's release. There was quite an entourage of dedicated fans, many dressed up like the real thing. We thought we were at Hogwarts or Diagon Alley. The party was at the Barnes & Noble in Orem, which provided all participants with exciting activities. To mention a few, there was the Sorting Hat (which put Kiara in Ravenclaw and me in Slytherin), potion making, divination, wand dueling, face painting, the Three Broomsticks pub, and the ever feared Azkaban. By 11:00 pm we lined up out side to get our book. We had the sweet company of my sister Georgiana and our friends Matt and Sandy Bradley. 12:01 the doors opened and chaos began. Just kidding, it was well organized. By 12:45 we got our book, which was much sooner than for some I can say. I flipped to the end to read the finale, and it turns out that Voldemort is actually a WOMAN! Just pulling your leg again. Happy reading folks.