Saturday, November 12, 2016


To say our kids love our local pumpkin patch might be an understatement.  They ask all year long when they can go to Jakers again and they get excited during the off-season when we drive past the empty field where Jakers is set up at Halloween time.  It's a pretty minimal cost to get in but I had to set a limit that we could only go once a week this year, otherwise the girls would have been there every day! Haha!

So, although these 70+ pictures of our kids at Jakers this year might seem redundant to our few (if any) readers of our blog, we're posting them all anyway.

We {heart} Jakers!

This was Tal-man's first experience at Jakers.  He was pretty chill about the whole thing. I'm sure he'll be more into it next year :)
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Our sweet Savannah with a beautiful blue sky in the background :)
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Burying Daddy in the corn
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Aurora jumping into the corn pit
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Time to bury Aurora!
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Then it was Savannah's turn!
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Savy found a treasure :)
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It made Daddy want to find some too! ;)
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Following Daddy through the corn, army crawl style!
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We always love when friends can join us at Jakers!
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Cute Aurora :)
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And Savy too!
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Rori loved working on mastering her jumps :)
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And Savy loves jumping in the corn pit too!
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Showering Mia with corn
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Silly kids!
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Mommy and Talmage decided to get in on the fun ;)
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Ooo! Corn!
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Aurora found one of her favorite friends from school!
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The tube slides are always fun for the kids but the adults tend to hurt their tailbones.  Not recommended for adults ;)
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And another friend from school!
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Savannah and Mia always have fun together :)
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Happy girl!
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The kids love the petting zoo too
(sad that this cute reindeer died between our first visit to Jakers this year and the time it closed for the season)
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We love the kangaroo!
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And the pigs :)
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The kids were a little weary of the donkeys because we warned them that they could bite if they weren't careful where they put their fingers.
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Making their way through the hay bail maze
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A shot of me and April that Daddy took from the top of the hay bail tower
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Ready for the tractor ride! :)
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Rori was happy to be sitting between Orlando and her friend from her kindergarten class :)
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Our cute boy on his first tractor ride
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Beautiful scenery!!
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Silly kids!
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Aurora is a crack up!
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Talmage just chillin' in the stroller :)
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Happy kid!
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Back in the corn pit!
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Always has to have something in his mouth :)
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Burying Savy again
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Where'd she go?!
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Rori's turn!
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Snug as a bug!
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But ready to be done.
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Time to let Talmage loose in the corn! ;)
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We had to watch him close so he wouldn't eat the corn.
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He thought it was pretty fun stuff!
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Daddy tried to use the corn to help Talmage stand up.
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It didn't work very well :)
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Our handsome little guy in the corn pit!
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Savy was rockin' it with Daddy's shades.
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Have some corn, Mom!
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Daddy buried Talmage in the corn too :)
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He tried burying his hands so he couldn't eat the corn
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It lasted for about a second :)
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Hold still, Tal!
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Trying out the slides.
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Happy boy!
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Our family :)
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To finish off our season at Jakers we got the girls each a cotton candy that was about as big as them!
Rori ate the whole thing before we made it home!
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I'm glad Savy ate hers a little more slowly and saved some for another day.
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Thanks for lots of good times and fun memories, Jakers!
Until next year...

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