Thursday, January 28, 2010


13 credits
15 hours per week internships
Part time job on campus
President of Applied Behavioral Science Club

Nevertheless, I am surviving. Not to mention that...

Coming home at the end of the day
Most amazing husband in the world


Jared & Tracee said...

You are going to be bald, or gray by the time we see you again!!! :) Glad that you do get some relief when you go home at nights! How much longer of this do you have? I would think April, right?

Janice said...

Hang in there Kiara! You are pretty amazing and a great example to ALL of the students at UVU. You are a very bright spot in my campus life and I appreciate your friendship. Say hi to that "HOT" husband of yours! We need to call New York and tell them they have our permission start the countdown to graduation and they can even "drop the ball" if they want to!( Heaven knows I have that tendency lately!) ha ha ! Happy day!