Another month has passed and our little sweetheart is 5 months old! She gets more and more fun every single day as her little personality continues to surface and she's seriously such a joy to be around. I'm so glad I get to hang out with her every day...I'm so blessed to be a stay-at-home-mom! We love watching her grow and learn new things. Maybe it's just first-time-parent-syndrome, but every little new thing she does is so exciting to us and she's learned to do a lot of new things this past month.
At 5 months:
-Rori has been blowing raspberries for about a month now. She LOVES to blow raspberries and makes a big slobbery mess while she's at it. Sometimes she sticks her fingers in her mouth while blowing raspberries and it looks like she's trying to whistle.
-It's getting MUCH easier to make her laugh and she laughs a whole lot more. Can't get enough of that little giggle!!
-She is ticklish and loves to be tickled.
-She prefers to stand when someone is holding her and everyone comments on how strong she is.
-She's REALLY good at rolling from her belly to her back and rolled from her back to her belly for the first time on her own last night! Yay!
-She is becoming much more vocal (we think she likes to hear her own voice but we love it too so we're not shy about encouraging her) and she has even learned to "sing" a little bit (watch the video if you haven't already). She makes our hearts happy!
-She likes to try to suck her thumb while drinking her bottle. It's quite hilarious but extremely messy too.
-She tried rice cereal for the first time on Tuesday!
-She's still working on holding her bottle by herself.
-Her hair is growing in much more fully and it's much lighter than it was when she was born. We think she might be a blondy like her Mom with blue eyes like her Daddy.
-She has really discovered her feet and will hang on to those cute little piggies while she talks to them. So cute!
-We think she's teething, but nothing showing through yet.
-We also think she's going to be a Mommy's girl.
-She loves when we hold her over our head and tell her she's "Super Girl!"
-She's pretty petite and mostly wears 0-3 month clothes still.
-She knows she's a princess and will smile when we tell her she is. Love it!
-Words she has managed to say but doesn't know it include: Mom
(see our 4 month update post), poop, and ow. Last night she even signed Mom
(I think she was really just trying to get her thumb in her mouth, but I can pretend, right?). I think she likes me! ;)
-She's getting better at grabbing for things and will probably be crawling before we know it! Time to baby-proof our house!
-She loves to watch TV but we try to keep her distracted with other things so she doesn't watch it too much.
-She's such a good little snuggler and I can't get enough of it!
-She loves to give her Momma smooches & I love when she comes at me with her hands on my cheeks and that little mouth wide open....priceless.
-She lifts her legs when we change her diaper & LOVES to have a clean bum.
-She loves when Daddy comes home from work and she gets the chance to play and hang out with him for a little while after hanging out with Mom all day.
And of course some pictures of our darling little munchkin.
Yep. I'm pretty sure she has all 5 fingers in there.
I absolutely LOVE this one. Our peaceful little sleeping girl.
Rori and her Roo from our best friends.
Hanging on to Kate, her giraffe.
I think she was excited or something. Haha. Dar was trying to get a picture of her eyes because they look metallic sometimes when the light hits her dark blue eyes just right. It's super cool.
She loves this little ribbon blanket (thanks, Paige!), I love her grin :)
Her face cracks me up in this one.
Our little jester. What a cutie.
Practicing holding her bottle by herself.