Thursday, May 16, 2013

Mother's Day

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Dar made me a delicious breakfast (not in bed because we have to get up early to go to church, otherwise it would have been in bed), the best breakfast burritos he's ever made!  Aurora stood at the counter to watch and the silly little girl added her own special touch to the eggs but spitting her grape juice into the mixture before Dar was able to get it on the stove.  Dar did his best to remove the regurgitated juice and the eggs turned out great!  You couldn't even taste the grape juice! ;)  My sweet husband gave me some beautiful two-toned red and yellow roses, and my early Mother's Day gift was the "Savannah" charm for my beautiful necklace I got last year.  Just what I wanted!
Aurora's "nacho salad" she ate created after church
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 After what was supposed be nap time, we went with Dar's parents and brother to visit his grandma.
Four generations!
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Savannah and Great-Grandmother Jennings--she'll be 92 in July
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After our visit with Great Grandmother, we went to Papa and Gamma's house for our delicious Mother's Day dinner--Savannah had her first experience on the porch swing
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Aurora's new favorite way to swing :)
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And since she wasn't hungry when dinner was ready (probably because we all ate too many sweets) Aurora made some pretty great art work on the kitchen floor!
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Thanks, Bunches, for making it such a great day and for giving me our beautiful girls who've made me a mom.  Love you!


Jared & Tracee said...

I LOVE the picture of you and your girls!!! Soooo cute! Glad you had a beautiful Mother's Day!!!

Rebekah said...

What a great day for you!