Saturday, May 11, 2013

Our little ladybugs

My mom gave Aurora this build-a-bear ladybug when she was born
 photo DSC00366_zps5d760330.jpg
Pretty cute, huh?
But I think it looks even more cute on these two :)

Aurora, almost 3 months
 photo DSC00532_zps7dc95a99.jpg

Savannah, 1 month
 photo DSC00363_zps4287cbd8.jpg


Kirsten said...

SUPER cute little lady bugs!

Jared & Tracee said...

I wanted to comment earlier, but I was on my tablet that was having issues. I just laugh at his cute post. I can't believe first off how much alike your girls do look. I wasn't here for Aurora at this stage, so I didn't think they looked very similar. But looking at the size difference in the costumes made me laugh! Vanna is going to be a normal sized kid, while Aurora will continue to be a petite little thing!

Either way, you have some super cute lady bugs!!!!

Rebekah said...

Those are 3 cute bugs!