Savannah is our little sweetie. I really can't express her sweetness in words. She's just our all-around-sweetheart! We're SO lucky to be her parents! Our little munchkin is 5 months old and becoming more and more fun every single day!
Our happy little Savy at 5 months
[Don't mind the fingernail scratch on her forehead and the drool mark on her shirt :) ]
At FIVE months:
-Savannah FINALLY got her first belly laugh out--thanks to her silly older sister--on Friday, August 9th at Aunt Andrea's house in Washington. Priceless!
-She now thinks Aurora is the funniest person on Earth and laughs at her frequently. Daddy and I haven't had as much luck getting those beautiful laughs to come out.
-She has a smile that melts my heart at any time of the day. We can't get enough of her precious smiles!
-She started eating solids on August 2nd, and boy! does she love eating her food!
-She's a noisy eater when she eats her baby food. She does this cute little hum/grunt thing as she eats. It's pretty cute.
-She already seems to want to feed herself and makes a great big mess when she gets her hands on the spoon.
-She definitely prefers to nurse over eating from the bottle.
-She's usually pretty pleasant, but we've discovered that when she's hungry and I can't feed her right away she gets MAD! If she cries long enough her face gets red and splotchy and she foams at the mouth. Silly girl. Luckily this doesn't happen very often--usually in the car when we can't pull over immediately.
-She's getting too big for the bumbo--her adorable, munch-able legs get stuck sometimes, and she's starting to arch her back in it too.
-She's becoming more and more aware of her surroundings and interacting more and more with the things she comes in contact with. She's really started to explore her toys and loves the exersaucer, until she gets frustrated with the turtle on it.
-She still sucks her thumb when she feels like it. It's pretty cute when she sucks her thumb through her blanket.
-She can put her binky in her mouth all by herself when it's in close enough proximity to her hands.
-She really gets her legs going in the bathtub and thinks it's pretty great to splash Mom and Dad.
-She kicks her feet every time we put her in or take her out of her car seat.
-When she's happy she kicks her legs a lot.
-She sleeps with her legs straight up in the air sometimes. It's pretty awesome.
-She loves to grab her toes and stick them in her mouth. Aurora thinks it's pretty funny when "Saby" sucks on her toes.
-Her hair is definitely getting thicker--it makes me happy :)
-She likes to hold one of my fingers as she falls asleep.
-Her sleep schedule is a bit off since coming home from our vacation (more to come on that), hopefully we'll get her back on track soon!
-She babbles "mama" so far. Not very often though.
-She's really content most of the time and we get comments from people a lot on how easy of a baby she is and how great it is that she will let pretty much anyone hold her and be happy about it.
-Savannah FINALLY got her first belly laugh out--thanks to her silly older sister--on Friday, August 9th at Aunt Andrea's house in Washington. Priceless!
-She now thinks Aurora is the funniest person on Earth and laughs at her frequently. Daddy and I haven't had as much luck getting those beautiful laughs to come out.
-She has a smile that melts my heart at any time of the day. We can't get enough of her precious smiles!
-She started eating solids on August 2nd, and boy! does she love eating her food!
-She's a noisy eater when she eats her baby food. She does this cute little hum/grunt thing as she eats. It's pretty cute.
-She already seems to want to feed herself and makes a great big mess when she gets her hands on the spoon.
-She definitely prefers to nurse over eating from the bottle.
-She's usually pretty pleasant, but we've discovered that when she's hungry and I can't feed her right away she gets MAD! If she cries long enough her face gets red and splotchy and she foams at the mouth. Silly girl. Luckily this doesn't happen very often--usually in the car when we can't pull over immediately.
-She's getting too big for the bumbo--her adorable, munch-able legs get stuck sometimes, and she's starting to arch her back in it too.
-She's becoming more and more aware of her surroundings and interacting more and more with the things she comes in contact with. She's really started to explore her toys and loves the exersaucer, until she gets frustrated with the turtle on it.
-She still sucks her thumb when she feels like it. It's pretty cute when she sucks her thumb through her blanket.
-She can put her binky in her mouth all by herself when it's in close enough proximity to her hands.
-She really gets her legs going in the bathtub and thinks it's pretty great to splash Mom and Dad.
-She kicks her feet every time we put her in or take her out of her car seat.
-When she's happy she kicks her legs a lot.
-She sleeps with her legs straight up in the air sometimes. It's pretty awesome.
-She loves to grab her toes and stick them in her mouth. Aurora thinks it's pretty funny when "Saby" sucks on her toes.
-Her hair is definitely getting thicker--it makes me happy :)
-She likes to hold one of my fingers as she falls asleep.
-Her sleep schedule is a bit off since coming home from our vacation (more to come on that), hopefully we'll get her back on track soon!
-She babbles "mama" so far. Not very often though.
-She's really content most of the time and we get comments from people a lot on how easy of a baby she is and how great it is that she will let pretty much anyone hold her and be happy about it.
5 month photo shoot pics:

Happy sisters. I'm so glad they like each other so much!

Grabbing those cute little piggies!

LOVE that happy face!

August 2nd - First time eating rice cereal


August 6th - First time eating green beans

I love how cute babies are when they sleep :)

August 21st - Newly discovered exersaucer--she loves it!

Can't resist kissing those cheeks!!

Happy five months, Savannah-Wannah. We love you SO much and we're so glad to have you in our family! Thanks for making each and every day so much brighter with your smiles and giggles and snuggles. We love you, baby girl!
Happy sisters. I'm so glad they like each other so much!
Grabbing those cute little piggies!
LOVE that happy face!
August 2nd - First time eating rice cereal
August 6th - First time eating green beans
I love how cute babies are when they sleep :)
August 21st - Newly discovered exersaucer--she loves it!
Can't resist kissing those cheeks!!
Happy five months, Savannah-Wannah. We love you SO much and we're so glad to have you in our family! Thanks for making each and every day so much brighter with your smiles and giggles and snuggles. We love you, baby girl!
She is such a beautiful baby and it sounds like she is just a delight!! How fun
This was so fun to read and your girls are just so adorable! Babies are the best!
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