Thursday, August 29, 2013

Squeaky Clean

**This is our 500th post! Seriously?! Woot! Woot!**

A few weeks ago we went on a much needed family vacation (LOTS more to come on that later).  Driving 16-ish hours each way required beginning our trip with a clean car.  We had been borrowing my in-laws extra car quite a bit before our trip while we got our car fixed because it was in and out of the shop several times and we decided to wash theirs too.  It's the first time Rori has helped wash the cars.  She thought it was pretty awesome.

A little side-note: I had pulled that sun hat out for Savannah to wear but Aurora snagged it and was thoroughly convinced it was for her, so we just went with it.  Evidence as to how tiny she is: she can still wear a hats that are meant for babies--oh yeah, and her swimsuit is 18-24 months, she wore it last summer too.  Savannah will probably be wearing it next summer ;)
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 She's a great little helper!
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Her "cheese" face :)
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It was fun to have Rori help out.  Anything with water and she's there!

1 comment:

Koon Family said...

what a big helper! I bet she would love helping Grampsie wash his bus! ;0)