Thursday, December 5, 2013

Guess Who Can Crawl?!

This girl can!
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She's been on her hands and knees rocking for a long time, but finally took the plunge Monday night.  I was so glad Dar was home to see her take her first official crawling steps.  We even got it on video camera!

Way to go, Savy!!
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And we've already started teaching her how to do pushups--Pretty good form, babe! ;)
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She's much happier now that she can make it down the hallway on her own.  Rori's not as excited because Savannah's already starting to get into her stuff more now.  The joys of having younger siblings :)
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Koon Family said...

woohoo! way to go girl! Poor Rori! lol

Jared & Tracee said...

I LOVE Roris face in that last picture! Priceless/reality check!

Rebekah said...

SO CRAZY about the ants!!