Friday, January 10, 2014

Welcoming in 2014

Our New Years Eve was pretty mellow, but we like it that way :)  Grandma, Grandpa and Uncle Ryan were home from Pittsburgh and Aurora missed them so much while they were gone.  She was so happy we got to have dinner with them for New Years.

Savannah likes hanging out with Grandpa
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Aurora has done this with their towel rack since she was tiny and barely standing/walking.  It was funny to see her do it again now that she's bigger and that she had to bend over to get it in her mouth.  I think this is the first time we've actually gotten pictures of her doing it.  Her cheeks don't have to stretch quite so far as they used to though.  Silly goose.
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The neighbors across the street lit off fireworks for a while.  Rori loved watching them from the window.
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Savy watched from the walker.  She was totally mesmorized!
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To appease Aurora we all played a game called "Walk the Dogs".  Aurora was on my team, and we won!
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We ate delicious food and watched "Bill Cosby, Himself", a family favorite especially when you need a good laugh.  Aurora really wanted to stay at Grandma and Grandpa's house but both girls got very sleepy and fell asleep on the way home.  I had to work a couple more hours when we got home, but it was a really nice evening.  That was about the extent of our New Years celebrating :)

Happy New Year!

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