Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Pioneer Day

July 24th: Pioneer Day
We love the local festivities for Pioneer Day (the day we celebrate the anniversary of the Mormon Pioneers entering the Salt Lake Valley).  It's more fun that our girls are getting older and more able to participate in the fun, festive, kid activities.  This year the girls were super excited to ride the ponies, and we were excited to watch them :)
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Rori--she's getting so grown up!
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Savy was really concerned about all the balloons being let loose.  She let us know every time she saw another one :)
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We let the girls wear their swim suits because the bounce houses all have water in them on Pioneer Day.  Aurora really wanted to dunk someone, but didn't want to be dunked.  Win-win!
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We got wrist bands for the girls so they could do unlimited turns on the bounce houses, but it was probably a little premature.  Aurora may have gotten our money's worth out of her wrist band, but Savannah ended up being more bashful about them than we thought she would be, so we might wait a year or two before getting a wrist band for her again.  Live and learn, right? :)
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Savannah discovered a leaky water tube spraying off one of the bounce houses and seemed perfectly satisfied playing in the sprinkle of water in the grass while Aurora enjoyed the toys.
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I thought she finally warmed up and was going to go into a bounce house at one point but she ended up just playing on the stairs at the entrance.  Whatever works, I guess! :)
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Rori doing the bottle toss
(it was manned by my Great Aunt and Uncle, my grandpa's brother and his wife--we call them Poppy Bob and Nanny Sharon)
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Savy's turn!
(Poppy is the one on the right in the white shirt)
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Going fishing for prizes!
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Getting their faces painted is always a highlight for them!
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Finished products!
Rori got a Kitty face and Savy got Minnie Mouse
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After naps back at home they cleaned up nicely! We headed to Grandma and Grandpa's for dinner again and then headed to the local fireworks--probably my favorite fireworks show of the year!
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We head great company with us for the fireworks but the whole place was SUPER crowded!  We've been going to the fireworks for 8+ years and it gets more and more crowded every year.  It's all good.  Sometimes fighting the crowds is part of the festive fun, right? ;)
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We got home pretty late again and after getting our sleeping kids in bed I got ready for bed and came out to a message written in glow sticks on my bed!  Thanks, Lovey!  I love you too!!
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Happy Pioneer Day!

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