Believe it or not, our baby is a year and half! Wow! I feel like I can't really call her a baby anymore, but she'll always be our baby.
Rori's 18 month stats:
Weight: 19 lbs 13.5 oz (15%)
Length: 31.5 in (41%)
Head: 44 cm (5%)
At 18 months:-Aurora is the friendliest little thing you'll ever meet. She loves to shake hands with anyone and everyone who'll shake hands with her.
-She loves to wave "hi" and "bye" to pretty much everyone.
-She says over 50 words!
-She knows over 20 words in sign language!
-She loves water and loves to stick her face in it and blow bubbles.
-She's very tender-hearted and pretend cries when she hears another baby crying to let us know she's concerned about them.
-She's a little whipper-snapper and extremely smart. It helps that she is very curious and extremely observant.
-She's a thinker like her daddy and I love when I can see the wheels turning in her cute little head.
-She loves other babies and likes to give them loves and smoochies. She's going to be such a great big sister, whenever that happens :)
-She loves her "Bampa" and knows she always gets a cookie when we go to his house.
-She is still very much a snuggler. She loves her comfort things: blankey, binky, bottle and Mommy :)
-She's been calling Dar "Momma" also for the last few months but is finally starting to call him "Daddy" again.
-She can go up and down stairs on her own by holding onto the wall or our hand. She's really good at going up, but still working on coming down.
-Her favorite show is Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, and she can say all the names of the characters except for Pete and Professor Von Drake.
-She's a blast and at a super fun age. We're loving this stage (minus the temper tantrums starting to come out) and can't wait to see what's in store for us next!
Happy 18 months, sweet girl.
Thanks for being our princess!
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