Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Hee Haw Farms

Our mortgage lender (who is awesome, by the way) reserves Hee Haw Farms in PG one evening every October for all their clients, so we get to go for free.  It is something we look forward to, and especially this year since we actually had a kidlet of our own to follow around (we didn't go last year but we did go the year before when I was expecting Aurora).  Everything just seems way more exciting when you have a kid to enjoy it with you :)  And Aurora really did enjoy it.  Dar and I laughed a little bit though because she was acting way more timid than usual.  I think all the new, exciting stuff was a bit much for her to soak in all at once and she was almost on system-overload trying to take everything in; but she did warm up after a bit and had a good time.
She LOVED petting the bunny
 There's a cool little petting zoo with lots of animals.  You get to go right in with them and pet as many as you want.  Aurora was a little scared but Daddy was a huge help and made her feel a bit more confident.
 I told her before we went that she'd probably see a piggy, and she was so excited there were two baby piggy's!
 Petting the pig with Daddy, but keeping a safe distance :)
 They had a couple HUGE piggy's too.  This one apparently likes to eat pumpkins.
 We had to stand at the fence and watch the huge piggy's for a bit.  I love this picture of her :)
 Going down the huge slide on a burlap sack with Daddy.
 She really did enjoy it, even if her face doesn't show it.
 I tried to convince her to sit on the tractor all by herself for a picture, but she wouldn't do it.
 She saw the "choo-choo" right when we got there, but when we finally got the chance to ride it, she was not too happy about it . . .
 . . . she cried!  She really did like it after we started moving, I promise.
 We found a tractor that was more her size, but she just wanted to go play in the corn pit :)
 I know there's probably way more of these corn pit pictures than necessary, but at least I know Nanny will enjoy them :)
At first she stayed really close to the edge, playing with the corn gently.
 Then she started to get into it
 Next step, she sat down in it
 We got her to lay down in it, and she threw corn on herself :)
 See?  She did like it, and she did have some fun! :)
 Daddy tried burying her in the corn.
 Ready to get up
 I love her concentration in these next few shots so I had to post them too
 Our traditional family shot in the cornstalk teepee
 They had a horse tire swing just like Grandma and Grandpa!  She was totally chillaxin' and not even hanging on.
 We got to pick out a free pumpkin (well, free for us).  Although this is not the one she picked.
 And she wouldn't sit still on the pumpkin pile long enough for us to get a cute picture.  Maybe when we pick the pumpkins from our garden. . .
We already put our Halloween decorations up almost 2 weeks ago, and going to Hee Haw Farms made me even more excited for autumn and Halloween: my favorite time of year!  I love awesome FHE activities like this--we should definitely get out more. :)

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