Monday, June 21, 2010

Eclipse Part 2 - Aug. 12, 2045

In doing some further research, I (D) found out that there will be an eclipse that runs smack dab through the center of Utah, and much of the United States. You will be able to see it as far north as Salt Lake City to as far south as Richfield, from Vernal down to Moab. What a trip that would be, to be sitting at Delicate Arch viewing a solar eclipse. Boo rah! So mark your calendars folks, it will be August 12th, 2045. That just happens to be mine and K's 40th wedding anniversary! How scientifically romantic!

The blue lines are the boundaries of full eclipse, the red line is the center of the path.


Jennie-O said...

I love how geeky and romantic you guys are! :) thanks for the info. I think I'll book my hotel in moab right now! :)

Anonymous said...

I just got on your blog for the first time. Good to see what is happening in your life! Aunt Sheryl (Sister Koon)