Two weeks ago Dar bought his beehives and his new hobby has just taken off since then. It's actually been pretty neat for both of us to learn about these incredible creatures and how important they are in our lives. I guess I've never really thought about it before now, but honeybees are pretty neat! (And unfortunately their numbers have really been declining over the last few years. Not good if you like to eat food!) It'll be fun for both of us to experience the process of beekeeping and we'll keep you posted on this new adventure.
The bee boxes before getting a nice coat of paint to keep them from weathering
He could just sit in front of the hive and watch the bees work for hours. If only he had the time. *sigh*
Hey! Nice to hear from you.
Gregg is going to Uraguay. He leaves Sept 28th. Jace Larson is going to Washington State and Tessa Olsen is going to Ireland/Scotland!! FUN TIMES!
Jace leaves Aug 24 and Tessa Sept 14. Haven't heard when their farewells are,I will try and remember to let you know! Your baby is adorable!!!! Looks like you are loving it!
So cool. Did you know Jason's dad is a beekeeper? If you see Millers Honey in the store that is us. Jason is planning on taking over the family business early next year. If you are ever in Northern CA you could stop by and see their 14,000 hives. Or visit us in North Dakota where they harvest the honey :) Anyway, way to go Darwin.
Wow, how interesting! Dan definitely wants to come check it out--that's right up his alley!
That's cool! My husband wants to get some bees too. Someday...
I LOVE that you guys are doing this! There are so many families here in Logan who keep bees (some even rent their hives out during the winter to fruit farmers in CA) and I think it's so incredibly neat! Bees really are such amazing little creatures!
ps-Kiara your hair sure looks cute!
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