Our baby girl is 7 months old today! She's such a joy to be around and growing so much! It's sad to me that she's definitely not a newborn anymore, but Dar & I love watching her learn new things and explore the world around her.
At 7 months:
-Aurora has 2 teeth! And they're such beautiful little teeth. They make her grin incredibly irresistible!
-She's still working on trying to crawl but getting closer and closer to actually doing it. Especially when she watches her friend, P, make his way around the floor.
-She is getting more and more curious about things around her and
EVERYTHING goes in her mouth right now.
[Dar just reminded me that she got this little plastic duck stuck in her mouth when we had some friends over last week--it wasn't something she could choke on, but just the right size to get it stuck in those little jaws. The poor thing panicked a little bit, and we couldn't help but laugh after Dar saved her from the predicament she got herself into.]
-She is still such a great sleeper but she can roll over in her sleep now and is a little wiggle wort all throughout the night.
-She has fallen asleep on her own in her crib at least 3 times in the last week and half. Hopefully we have a good trend starting!
-She's starting to try more foods, and hopefully will enjoy eating more as we work our way to trying different things.
-She is getting louder with her babbling and I
LOVE listening to her sweet little voice as she plays with her toys.
-She's still pretty petite but definitely getting some little rolls. She has an extra crease on her forearm and adorable little rolls on her thighs. Man! I can't help but munch on them a little bit!
-She doesn't like to wear shoes and prefers to have her piggies naked.
-She loves when Daddy comes home from work and gives him the cutest little grins. She knows he's the fun one already!
-She actually seems to
love the grass! She loves to sit in it, pick it, eat it, and get it stuck between her toes. Looks like our baby is going to love digging in the dirt like we do...bring on our little gardener! We're going to need her help pulling weeds next year :)
Mmm! I love that face!! She seriously gets a million kisses from her Momma on a daily basis.
Rori's concentration face--classic tongue sticking out. She does this a lot when she's playing with her toys.
Picking the grass
And of course, eating the grass

First time eating peas:
It looks like she's begging with her eyes for Dar to save her.
Bad thing about the bumbo...she can arch away when she doesn't want anymore. Haha.

Next food item: green beans. I keep telling her that she has to eat the veggies before we can move on to the good stuff. We'll get there eventually. Keep up the good work, baby girl! We love you more than you know!