Last Thursday, Rori crawled for the first time!! She's been scooting and army crawling for a while and finally got up and did the real thing! She's completely mobile now and follows me around the house (albeit slowly). I'm definitely not used to her movement and I'm learning quickly what things she likes to get into :) She still mostly army crawls but she's getting better...and fast! She's a little cruiser!
She got herself wedged between the swing & bumbo
Just in the last week she became interested in standing against the furniture. She was pretty wobbly at first and fell frequently, but in just a couple days her improvement was amazing! Standing against the coffee table is seriously her favorite thing to do now. She also hasn't been interested in trying to walk at all, even with my gentle encouragement, but with learning to stand against the coffee table she's starting to walk along the table a little bit. Very slowly, mind you. It's so cute.Standing so good!
She also pulled herself up to the coffee table all by herself this morning! And she's done it several more times since then. This little girl learns fast!Chillin' under the coffee table
She is definitely saying Momma and baba. She's been babbling them forever but I'm pretty certain she knows what they mean and how to use them now--only when she wants to, of course. She's been really discovering how to use her mouth and one of her new things is the picture below--she pulls her lips up to her nose and breathes really hard. It's so stinkin' cute!!She's also becoming a professional spit bubble maker. Silly girl (see video below, right at the beginning). We love you, Aurora, and all the new fun things you're learning! It's so fun to see your personality blossom!!