Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Some of Rori's fav's

I realize that the vast majority of my posts for the last year have been about Aurora. I think it pretty much goes without saying though because this beautiful little princess consumes the bulk of my day-to-day life. She's so much fun and I love being able to hang out with her every day. She is the light of our lives and brings so many smiles and so much laughter into our home. She's starting to walk all over the place now and gains more confidence every day. She's also starting to show some attitude, especially when we tell her "no." Her vocabulary has nearly doubled in just the last week, and she seems to have mostly skipped over single-syllable words.

Rori's Vocab:
Mom (also Momma)
Dad (also Daddy)
Bottle: Baba
Bye: Ba
No-no-no!: She even gets the finger point going with it :)
Aurora: very clearly most of the time
Cousins: she says it straight out
Amen: also very clearly
Banana: sometimes the full word but mostly "nanas"
Minnie: In-Nay or Nay-nay

And here are a few things that Mrs. Boss loves right now:

Rocking Bear
She loves that she can get on and off it, and rock all by herself!

Mickey & Minnie
We got these for her with some money my grandparents sent for her. Buy one get one free at the Disney store. Boo-ya!

Cool shades.
Need I say more? :)

Is 12.5 months too young to start a chore list? ;)

The car she got for her birthday. She's even getting some road rage already. Look out!!
Looking at some of Mom & Dad's anniversary pictures, and more dusting.

Love you, Babs! Thanks for constantly keeping us on our toes!

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