Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Special V-Day treat

Dar's parents gave us gift cards to Baskin Robins for Valentine's Day, so we took the opportunity to go treat ourselves to some ice cream on Monday as part of our FHE activity.  Thank you, Baskin Robins for having a couple of non-dairy ice cream options!  Our baby girl was in heaven being able to actually eat ice cream out of the cone, instead of just eating a plain old cone like she usually does.  And I especially appreciated that she didn't have to eat ice cream that tastes just like her soy milk.  Lemon is definitely better!!

Here's to many more dairy-free ice cream outings, hopefully :)
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Jared & Tracee said...


Lora said...

oh how happy there are yummy treats for this cute little lady to enjoy!

We make almond milk/soy icecream all the time in our vitamix, have you tried something like that? You could use whatever her favorite fruits or treats are?
(Elleah loves banana oreo-silly girl)

Rebekah said...

She is so cute! Did you make her hat?

Koon Family said...

Yay for Rori! xo