Monday, March 31, 2014

03.22.14 - 1 Year!

It probably sounds silly, but the 1st birthday makes me a little bit sad.  Sad that my baby is not so much a baby anymore, and sad that the 1st year went by WAY too fast!  Babies definitely don't stay little long enough, but I also really look forward to watching my baby grow and to all the great things that will take place in the future.  Each new milestone is exciting and fun to look forward to--while still enjoying the moment we're in :)
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 Savannah's 12 month stats:
Weight: 23 pounds (89%)
Length: 31 inches (96%)
Head: 46 cm (78%)
At 12 months:
-Savannah has only taken a couple steps on her own so far.  She's done it several times but always sits down after she takes one or two.  I think she just needs to gain a little confidence.
-She can walk pretty well when we hold just one of her hands.  We're trying to help her walk more and more to help her gain the confidence she needs to do it on her own.
-She is such a happy girl and has the cutest happy squeal when she's excited about anything.  I love her happy squeal!
-She can wave and blow kisses--noisy kisses, I love it!, she holds her face in her hands when she's sad -She can throw a ball, and pretty much anything else, really well.
-She won't wear a bow on her head anymore and you'd think she's going to die when I try to put a clip in her hair.  She cries and screams and throws a fit about it.  Silly girl.
-She loves to poke Rori's belly button whenever she gets the chance :)
-She seems to be getting a little more snugly sometimes.  She lets me rock her and sing to her for a few minutes before I put her in her crib at nap time or bed time.  And she lets me just sit and hold her in the mornings when we get a chance to sit and snuggle.
-When she wakes up in the morning she usually calls for Dada but she's totally a Momma's girl :)
-She loves playing with Aurora's toys and we frequently find her in Rori's room playing really well all by herself.
-She can climb up on Rori's bed all by herself and loves to sit and bounce or throw all of Aurora's toys off.
-She learned to climb up on our coffee table.
-As soon as I open the dishwasher, she's right there with me helping me unload it, even if I'm trying to load it up with the dirty ones :)
-She also loves to "help" with laundry.  She always throws the clothes out of the basket, and loves to sit in the basket too.
-She sleeps 10-11 hours at night and still takes 2 naps on a daily basis.
-She was completely on formula just after 11 months, but now we get to give her cow's  milk!
-She's a really great eater and sometimes eats more than Rori does.
-She likes to stand up in the front window and wave to Daddy when he leaves for work.
-She's such a great, happy baby!
Savannah's Vocab:

Savannah's Signs:
All Done

Savannah's actual birthday day was pretty low key.  Aurora got pretty sick the night before, and it was rainy outside that day, so we mostly stayed home and took it easy, which was totally okay because we had her big birthday celebration the week before. I still took lots of pictures though :)
She fell/climbed into the tub all by herself!  I was really impressed that she caught herself so well.  This girl LOVES the tub!
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 Daddy decorated with balloons and ribbons all over the house the night before.  She was so excited to wake up to lots of balloons--but popped 5 or 6 of them right off the bat.
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Our beautiful birthday girl!
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Most of her pictures turned out like this though
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She LOVES her Hopson!!
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I think it's cute that she likes to sit in the rocking chair almost as much as I do.  She's getting pretty good at rocking herself, but mostly she just scares me by standing up to rock it and continually almost falling out of it.  She loves it though.
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Watching the rain come down outside her window
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Daddy brought home an awesome balloon bouquet for her
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She got tangled in it and stayed like that for a long time :)
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Taking her balloons down the hallway
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After we finally got her untangled, we pulled out the birthday hats and noise makers
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They only lasted so long :)
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Cute birthday girl!
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Poor Rori was so sick and felt so miserable :(  She insisted on wearing a party hat though.  What a trooper!
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Daddy always gets flowers for me and the birthday girl.  I love that he does that for us!  It's one of my favorite traditions.
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Vannah got to open lots of presents the week before at her party, but I wanted her to be able to open something on her actual birthday too.  We got her a little something with some birthday money she got the week before.
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She got mad when I took it away to get it out of the box :)
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She started throwing fits on the floor around 10.5 months.  I'm pretty sure she must have picked it up from Aurora because I don't remember Rori doing it when she was that young!
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Happy girl again! :)
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We made her another giant cupcake for having cake and ice cream that night.  A certain person who shall remain unnamed accidentally dropped the cake on the floor while icing it.  Savannah certainly didn't mind :)
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Love this picture!!
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 We ate homemade pizza for dinner and then let her dig into her cake and ice cream again :)
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Happy birthday, our Sweet Savannah!  We love you so very much and we're so blessed and grateful to have you in our family.  You bring such an amazing spirit into our home and we love each and every minute we get to spend with you. Thank you for bringing more sunshine and happiness into our home than we ever could have imagined.  We love you, Savannah-Wannah!

Photos of Savy from the last month:
Little trickster learned how to climb on top of our coffee table all by herself!
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So proud of herself :)
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Cutie girl playing with the sandbox toys
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Trying out her new car seat
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She got to feed herself oatmeal one morning--so messy!  But she loved it!
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Love this girl!
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Playing on Rori's bed--throwing all her "friends" off :)
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Starting to play dress up--she's played dress up before, when Rori wants her to.  This time Savannah was the one asking to wear a tutu :)
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How I love to kiss those cheeks!!
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Happy Birthday, Savannah Belle!
We love you more than you know!!

P.S. Don't forget to read our other 3 recent posts below :)

1 comment:

Jared & Tracee said...

You do have an amazingly cute baby... I mean big girl!