Sunday, July 13, 2014

Our girls in June

This is my last post for June and then we're on to July! Yay!

I mentioned in a couple posts back that Darwin went to Scout camp for a whole week back in June.  It was a rough week for all of us.  We didn't have much contact with him because he was busy with the scouts, and camping in the mountains.  I had to work over time that week and ended up putting in 65 hours!  The girls got to hang out with really awesome people that week though, and THANK YOU again to our angel babysitters (you know who you are) who made it possible for me to get all the hours in that week that I did.  We were all SO ready to have Daddy home.
Aurora especially misses him when he's gone--this was the afternoon he came home. Priceless!
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Our girl's sleep schedule gets thrown off a bit in the summer time.  Aurora has been taking naps in the early evening quite frequently and then has a hard time falling asleep when it's bed time.  One night she told us she was going to have a picnic with her toys in her bedroom, and we were fine with it as long as she stayed in her room.  After she had been quiet for a while, Dar went in to check on her and this is what he found--bike and puzzle and all! :)
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I love when I look through the pictures on our camera and find that Rori has taken some selfies :)
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Savannah turned 15 months in June!  I can't believe how fast time flies!
 Savannah's 15 month stats:
Weight: 26 pounds 7 ounces (96%)
Length: 33 inches (99%)
Head: 46.5 cm (72%)
At 15 months:
-Savannah's personality seems to blossom more and more every day!  
-She is such a funny little thing, and a huge tease!  She frequently takes Rori's clothes when she's trying to get dressed and will book it out of the room giggling, wanting Rori to chase her.
-She LOVES animals, and that is not an understatement.  She gets SO excited anytime she sees any kind of animal.
-She is becoming pretty independent and wants to do everything herself.
-She loves to do anything her big sister is doing.  They're becoming even better friends as they get older.
-She loves watching Baby Einsteins and gets excited as soon as she sees the caterpillar come on screen in the intro.
-She also loves Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and calls for Toodles when the rest of the gang does too.
-She's slowly starting to say more and more words.  A few of her new ones are: "echo", "ouch" and "Ye-haw!"
-She's signing more too: Thank you, Sorry, help, bath, cheese, bird, shoes (and I'm sure there are more words and signs I'm not thinking of right now).
-She's starting to sing along with songs in the car, and especially to the songs from Frozen, or when we're singing at church.
-We dropped her most special bunny in the parking lot on the way home one day a few weeks ago.  I wasn't sure where we lost it and found out later what happened to it.  I think I was more distraught than Savy was about it, but I ordered a new one and now she has H2 (Hopson II).  She could tell the difference and didn't want anything to do with the new Hopson at first, but she's slowly warming up to her.
-She stuck a pea in her nose at dinner a few nights ago (again while Daddy was out of town).  I planned to take her to the doctor the next day to have them get it out because I didn't feel like it was urgent--she was still doing okay and able to breathe fine, she just seemed a little uncomfortable.  Luckily she was able to get it out on her own in the middle of the night.
-She definitely still loves nap time and bed time, although she doesn't fall asleep on her own as well as she used to.
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She's starting to love dressing up--she says "Ye-haw!" every time she wears this hat :)
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She fell asleep on the floor one afternoon when she was being stubborn about taking a nap in her crib
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She also LOVES books--we find books all over the house that she has pulled off the shelves and taken with her to look at throughout the day
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With more books on another day--I'm so glad she lets me put her hair in cute little piggy tails now!
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We love you, Miss Savannah-Wanna!  Happy 15 months!

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