We took Aurora on her first camping trip a week ago...the first of 4 we'll be doing in the next little while. She did awesome! Last Thursday we went up the canyon with our Aussie friends to do an over-nighter, and it was a blast! We ended up with 4 adults, 5 kids and 2 babies. No joke. A handful, but so much fun! I'm sure people kept driving past our campsite thinking, "Those crazy Mormon families!" Just kidding. Although, I guess they really could have been thinking that. But Jared & Tracee invited 3 nieces and a nephew to join us and help keep their little girl, R, entertained. It worked! The kids all did great.
This was actually the night before we went camping--we had hotdogs & smores up the canyon for practice :)
Look how good our little girl is sitting!
P picks on Aurora a little bit, but it's just because he's bigger, can crawl already, and he thinks she's pretty cute!
The campground we were at had this little park and while we were there the kids decided they wanted to play hide-and-seek. This was Dar's hiding spot :)
After eating hotdogs for dinner, Dar & Jared left Tracee & I with the kids for an hour or so while they came back down the canyon to get some stuff done. When they got back we had smores and some other goodies, but I didn't get any pictures.
Fast forward to the next morning...I left our tent to get the camera so we could take a family picture of our first camping trip with Rori and this is what I found when I got back:
We bundled her up so she'd be nice and warm, but she still woke up (not sure what time) early in the morning with a chilly nose and cheeks so I stuck her in my sleeping bag with me and warmed her up with some morning snuggle time. But for most of the night she slept on her own mattress which is actually the pad from her changing table :)
Classic for Rori right now...tongue always out!
Full body shot so you can see her cute little sleep-sack
Documentation of our first (of many, many more to come, I'm sure) camping trips with our kid(s)
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