Thursday, October 25, 2012

The process

It honestly was fun to make our own costumes this year.  This is definitely the most effort I have ever put into a costume in my life and it's actually pretty satisfying.  Not that it's something I want to do every year, but it was fun this time.  I found the idea on Pinterest a year ago and saved the link (I don't have an account on Facebook or Pinterest--hence why I couldn't just pin it--blogging is my only mode of social networking :) ) in case I ever had the chance to use it.

The gal whose tutorial I followed said she did the costumes last minute.  I have no idea how it was a last-minute-throw-together-costume, because it took Dar and I about 10+ hours to do ours (all of Friday evening after Dar got home from work and through 2:00ish Saturday afternoon).  You have to allow time for the paint to dry a bit between coats, and we had to do about 5 coats of paint on our pants and Dar's shirt, just because of the fabric.  We ran out of paint after using 2 full bottles (we ended up using 2.5 bottles) and it took extra time to drive 40+ minutes round-trip and two stores to get more.  Joann's (a fabric store) did not have the right kind of fabric paint.  Are you kidding me?!  Thanks to Hobby Lobby for coming to the rescue!  We're happy about how the final product turned out though.  I thought I wanted to be really gung-ho about it and outline everything with glow-in-the-dark fabric paint, but by the time we got all our bones the right shade of white I was ready to be done :)

I have to add that I'm pretty proud of myself that I did my shirt all by myself.  For not having a crafty/creative bone in my body I thought the stenciling, the cutting, etc. I did on my own turned out pretty good!  Dar did help me with the placement though, to make sure I ironed my ribs and the baby in the right places.  Anyway, that's probably way more info than anyone cares to read about, but there you have it!
 Final product, without baby girl's bow sewn onto her head.
 Dar's shirt completed.  Woot! Woot!

And just for kicks and memorabilia purposes, I thought I'd post our costumes from Halloween's past.  Enjoy!
1920s murder mystery theme
Mad Scientist and his lab assistant
Witch and Phantom of the Opera
(we obviously didn't have a theme that year) 
Jack Sparrow and my lame attempt at trying to be his Black Pearl :}
 Mad Scientist again and his freaky mom/baby creation
Bee Keeper, Queen Bee and Baby Bee
Skeleton family :)


Cassie said...

Awww I love your costumes. Super cutes ones this year too! Hope to see you Saturday at the Chili cook off. I think we are going to try and make an appearance :)

Holly-lu-ya said...

Where oh where is the like button??!