Thursday, February 7, 2013

Prego Update

I feel like I really haven't posted a whole lot about this pregnancy.  Things were really emotionally rocky for me until we were about half way through (plus we really didn't even tell anyone until 16 weeks), but I've been much better since then.  I still get nervous and anxious that something could happen to this baby (I did have a friend lose a baby at 8 months gestation due to a cord accident--these things happen unfortunately) and I think I'll be that way until I have this little munchkin snuggled in my arms.  But, overall, I feel really pretty good--emotionally, physically, mentally, etc.  I feel like this pregnancy has flown by compared to Aurora's!

I'm 33 weeks today but wanted to post because I had an ultrasound yesterday to check on this baby's growth.  Unfortunately we didn't get very good pictures, so I'm not going to post them.  The main reason I had the ultrasound was because Aurora measured small towards the end not because of what happened with Nastassia, and I was very happy to hear that Savannah still looks great!  It's also nice to have the reassurance (again) that we're still having a girl! :)  Savannah's actually measuring at 34 weeks but the doctor said it really just means she's measuring in the 56th percentile, not that she'll come a week early, and that's okay.  She's currently measuring at 4 lbs 14 oz, but I know it's just an estimate.  My guess is that she'll end up bigger than Aurora was when she was born.  And, believe it or not, the doctor could actually see some hair on the top of her head!  We're always excited to hear that our baby will have hair, even if she's going to lose it and that it will take forever to grow back in like mine when I was a baby, and obviously Aurora's hair too.  Either way, it's exciting that we're getting so close to the end!  It was also nice when the specialist doctor doing the ultrasound yesterday (and who was there to help with my amniocentesis with Nastassia the night I was induced last April) congratulated me on a pretty uneventful pregnancy this time.  Yes, for that I feel very grateful!

I am really glad I still feel pretty good.  I actually weigh about 15 lbs less at this point than I did with Aurora and I'm very pleased about that!  Hopefully I don't have too much more to gain.  I haven't felt much up to exercising since I got really sick over Christmas, and now I'm just plain tired.  I plan to pick up my good exercise routine again after this baby comes :)  I turned Aurora-bath-time-duty completely over to Darwin a few weeks ago, mostly because it's just getting super uncomfortable to be down on the floor.

Savannah is pretty much head down, which is good.  Her head is actually in my right hip and she kicks me in the ribs ALL THE TIME!  I love when she stretches and I can feel her little foot, and she has a funky foot twitch thing she does pretty frequently.  She's definitely running out of room though.  I think we'll both be glad when she has more space to stretch out in!

We almost have everything ready for her to come.  We have a couple more items to purchase, and I still need to wash all of her clothes but then we should be set.  I'm trying to not get too anxious because I know the longer she stays in the better for her growth.  Plus I'm not quite ready to be awake in the middle of the night for feedings again yet.  I'm trying to soak up as much sleep as I can muster in these last few weeks :)

Anyway, enough of my random babbling.  I figured that just for kicks I'd post a belly shot since I haven't posted any this pregnancy.  This is me at 32 weeks last week.  On top of feeling (and looking) huge, I'm mostly just feeling tired a lot, but still hanging in there and super excited to have this little baby!  Only a few weeks left to go!
 photo 13113-32weeks4_zps1d44f63f.jpg


Louisa said...

You look great!

The Stevenson's said...

You look great!!!

Jared & Tracee said...

Since p has been sick almost all winter, I feel like I haven't seen you as much as I should!!!! You really do look awesome!! I keep thinking how soon I will have your little baby sleeping on my chest! Ohhhhh, and that you will have two kids! Lol!

deechickens said...

Very cute picture! I am excited to meet this little girl and in the near future for our little girls to be running around playing together.!