Monday, May 10, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!!

Yesterday was a good day. It was extremely difficult for me in some ways, but it was a really good day in a lot of ways too. Church was not as hard to get through as I anticipated, which I was very grateful for. I've had several breakdowns in Sacrament meeting over the last few months, and I was able to keep myself composed yesterday--well, mostly. I only cried twice yesterday, and one of those times was when my sweet husband gave my his very thoughtful gift. I LOVE it, Babe! Thank you!! You seriously are THE BEST!!

After church we were able to go visit Dar's grandmother and we spent a couple hours visiting with her. I called my mom and Omie to wish them a happy Mother's Day, and sent text messages out to my sisters. Then Dar & I went and spent some time with his great Aunt Louise, who would have been alone for Mother's day otherwise. We had a delicious dinner with her--french dip, garlic roasted potatoes, and cheesecake for dessert! We had a great time visiting and spending time with her. I loved the stories she and Dar's grandmother told us. It's so fun to listen to stories of their past and learn wisdom from their experiences!

We hope you all had a very wonderful Mother's Day too!

P.S. If you feel so inclined, I wrote about mother's day as well - with a little bit of a different feel, but both are completely honest - on my other blog. To read it, click here.

1 comment:

Rebekah said...

I wish there was a book on what to say when you don't know what to say but your heart is full and you want to say something. You know? Know that my heart hurts for your loss.