Friday, May 14, 2010

Sucked in!

Before I graduated I was determined to read a lot of good books that I hadn't had the chance to read while keeping my nose in my studies. (I have a whole list of books that will keep me busy for a while!) There's nothing like sitting down with a good book, and looking at a clock to see what time it is, only to discover that HOURS have passed by without you even realizing it! (I know. . . most of you are saying "just wait until you have kids!") I started last week with some pretty popular ones because I had to find out what I've been missing out on. I've already read 2 really great books, and started the 3rd today. (Not to mention I read the entire New Moon novel yesterday & I still deep-cleaned our shower & made dinner, too! Go me!) I'm sure most of you are familiar with:

I'll probably have the series completely read by early next week. And I do love it! My sweet husband just looks at me and laughs because I'm so sucked into it! (I've been laying on the couch reading for hours on end over the last week while he studies his brains out for a comprehensive exam he has tonight of his last 2 years of grad school. What a wife I am! Good luck, Baby! And thanks for letting me enjoy my vacation while you slave away over you studies! I LOVE YOU!!) Now I can't wait to watch the movies! I've been holding off on watching them until I could get the books read--there's nothing like ruining a good book by watching the movie first!!

Anyway, I hope none of you will ruin any secrets for me as I finish the Twilight saga this next week. I just hope you'll all remember back to when you read it for the first time and how exciting it was for you too! :)

So far, after reading the first 2, I'm totally Team Edward. No competition! And thanks again to Courtney for letting me borrow your books!

P.S. I'm also very open to suggestions of other good books to read. Throw 'em at me!!



MARK & CHRISTY said...

OH I love it! This is so funny cause guess what I have been doing this past week since finals have been over.. you guessed it READING good books! We really are life long friends aren't we! I am reading the Hourglass Door.. Pretty good.. when you want to add that one to the list!

Cristin said...

I just finished the first two books in the "Hunger Games" series. Very easy to read and very addicting also.

Jared & Tracee said...

Yippy for Twilight! I won't ruin anything for you, but its good!

As far as another series of books I have read "The Hunger Games" which is good(and easy to read which is a plus), the only crappy part is that it is a trilogy and the last book doesn't come out until September of this year. But the first 2 are really good!

I also just barely finished reading "Left to Tell"-wow that is all I can really say about that one! Worth reading, and again its short!

Carrie Richins said...

Oh no, not you, too!! I totally caved and read them a few months ago and I really liked them. If you ever need anyone to talk Twilight with, I volunteer!

I'm excited for the Eclipse movie, it comes out June 30--the day after my birthday!

Other suggestions for your list: The Hunger Games and Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins--it's a trilogy, the third book comes out in August!
The Help by Kathryn Stockett

Happy reading!

Lora said...

ps-Hunger games

Lora said...

=) at first i was completely sucked into them also. We were on a huge road trip and i read the entire time!! Enjoy!!

ps-team Edward book/team Jacob big screen-(can't support the crappy makeup job/acting) =)

Georgiana said...

Kiara, I DO remember how exciting those books were for me the first time I read them. I don't care what anyone says, Twilight was one of the most enjoyable reading experiences I've ever had. Yeah, they're not perfect, or even the best, but they are dang enjoyable. I kind of felt like I got tricked into reading a romance novel, but...surprise...I liked it. ENJOY! If you are looking for something that is as grabbing as Twilight, the Hunger Games might be next on the list. I hesitate to recommend them, because they are totally post-apocolyptically brutal,(you can get the idea from the summary) but they are still young adult, and there is just something about them. The love triangle in it is hard to beat...even for Twilight! Anyway, double enjoy!!! (Oh, and in response to your email, Mom is still deciding on which class. I'll be sending out an email shortly.)

Georgiana said...

Oh, and I'm also in the middle of the Fablehaven series. HIGHLY recommended. Actually, another Mormon author gone mainstream. I love Fablehaven because it taps into that childhood, young adult world of magic, but in these books I feel the characters risk adult dangers...if that makes any sense. I mean, do you know how some books are boring because you know the author is never going to hurt the main characters? Well, he writes this as if the main characters CAN get hurt. Scary, but totally admirable writing. It makes things so much more exciting to me. Anyway. I love books. Bye.

Jared & Tracee said...

check our blog again!

Kelly Madsen said...

Thank you so much for your wonderful note! I love you and your blog too! Since you love How to Steal a Million, my book suggestion is "How to Be Lovely." Check it out! I'm sure you won't be disappointed. Congrats on graduation!