Sunday, November 2, 2014

09.22.14 - 18 months!

Savannah turned 18 months old on September 22nd!  Holy cow!  Time flies!  I honestly LOVE this age!  She's got an incredibly fun, mischievous, personality and she's so much fun to be around.
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 Savannah's 18 month stats:
Weight: 28 pounds 13 ounces (97%)
Length: 33 inches (83 %)
Head: 48 cm (89%)
At 18 months:
-Savannah LOVES bath time!  She asks to have a "bap" on a daily basis.  I'm glad she likes to be clean (and/or play in the bubbly water)!
-She suddenly started talking a LOT more! She is saying new words almost every day--I love it!
-She is becoming extremely independent.  She loves to walk up the stairs to our condo all by herself and she's pretty insistent that she buckles herself into her car seat all by herself now too.
-She loves her big sister and the two of them play really well together (most of the time).
-Savannah LOVES animals! I'm sure I've said that before, but it's still very true :)
-She can say lots of animal sounds now and signs the name of a few too.
-She sits really well for me to fix her hair.  She has a pretty good mullet going on right now, so it's perfect for cute little piggy tails!
-She has the cutest little giggle and still does her awesome vibrato laugh too.
-She is definitely a tease and loves to tease Aurora by taking her things and running down the hallway hoping Aurora will chase her.
-She makes really good crusty faces when she's grumpy.  They honestly make me smile :)
-She goes to nursery now and LOVES it! (More to come on nursery.)
-She still loves to snuggle her bunny Hopson (or "Bop" as Savy calls her), her blankey and Mom or Dad when it's time to go to sleep.
-She loves books and stories.  She always climbs down from my lap at nap time to get a "boop" for me to read before she'll go to sleep.
-She definitely likes our daily routine and is happiest when we stick with it.
-She's a good eater and a good sleeper.  Thank goodness!
-She loves to play and run around outside.
-She loves to play with our Living Scripture DVDs, and wrestle in our freshly washed laundry.
-She wants to do everything her big sister does--the good and the bad!
-She loves to be tickled.
-Her personality is blossoming more and more and she's such a joy to be around!
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I love her beautiful smile!
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Look how serious she is! :)
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Silly girl :)
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So proud of herself for sitting on the potty like Aurora
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Sweet little thing
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She LOVES to play with our Living Scripture DVDs--it cracked me up that she was pushing some of them in the baby stroller :)
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Wearing Daddy's slippers
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Darwin calls her our little possum because whenever she falls down she just lays on the ground for a minute. Haha.
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This little one likes her nap time and occasionally falls asleep when I'm in the shower if I'm late getting ready for the day. Poor thing.
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Super Savy pushing a book around in the stroller
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Happy 18 months, Savannah!  We love you, princess!

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