Sunday, December 4, 2016

Thanksgiving Day 2016!

I LOVE the holidays.
Just sayin'.
My favorite part of Thanksgiving is just being with family.
It's seriously the best!

We have our own little family traditions we like to do with our kids.  One is making Pilgrim hat treats.  The girls have so much fun making them and always look forward to this.  I love that everyone was still in their jammies and had crazy morning hair to go with it :)
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Silly faces are the best!
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We tried something new this year and used M&Ms for the buckles.  It was fun and worked out nicely!
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When the Pilgrim hats were all done, they moved on to making yummy fall acorn treats!
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Our handsome little Tally-man played in the living room while Dad and the girls made treats in the kitchen.
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Talmage loves playing with the ball popper.  He doesn't even really care to watch the balls pop up out of it.  He just likes to drop all the balls into it, have me dump all the balls out, and then he drops all the balls down the tube again.  We can sit and do this for hours! Okay, maybe not hours, but it definitely keeps him entertained for a while :)
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Another one of our traditions is watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade on TV.  I thought it was more kid appropriate better this year than it was last year.  Much appreciated!
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Thanksgiving turkey, pilgrims, and Charlie Brown.  All beloved Thanksgiving icons! ;)
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My Aunt Sharon and Uncle Bob (our kids call them Nanny Sharon and Poppy) invited us over to their house for Thanksgiving dinner.  I'm glad my family was able to come down for the feast!
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They have a fun hand-made church that my kids like to play with every time we go to their house.  Savannah especially loved it this time.
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Talmage had fun playing with Nanny.  She kept teasing him with his binky.  He loved it!
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I'm not sure where the bubble wrap came from, but the kids had fun stomping on it to pop all the bubbles :)
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The youngest kids at the kiddie table.
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Jessy :)
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Silly Hannah!
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Me and my sweet little man enjoying some turkey together.
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See?  It's yummy!
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Some of the crew.
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Robby :)
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Talmage was determined to share his roll with Daddy.  He's so great at sharing! :)
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My handsome boys!
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Nanny Sharon prepared some crafts for the kids to make together.  Aeyrka was so great at helping the younger ones (i.e. our girls) make Christmas ornaments and decorate some cute little bags.
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Our awesome helper/babysitter, Aeryka :)
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Our cute Pilgrim hats and acorns the girls helped Daddy make earlier in the day.
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After sitting to let our food digest for a while, Talmage decided it was time to check and see if Daddy had any room left for dessert :)
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My Dad just recently had surgery on his neck and still has to wear a neck brace for a while.  He and the kids like to play "Star Wars" with his brace :)
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Daddy had to give it a try too :)
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I think Grampsie has the most fun with it though :)
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Demonstrating the "proper" way to wear it ;)
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It was so nice to just sit and visit with my family for a while.  While all the adults visited, we kept Talmage entertained with a paper cup.  Cups are seriously one of his favorite things to play with. No joke.
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Phones are pretty fun to play with too ;)
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Before wrapping things up for the night we had a family sing-along.  It was nice :)
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When we got home we had a surprise for our kids--their Christmas jammies!  We decided to give them their Christmas jammies for Thanksgiving this year instead of waiting until Christmas Eve so they could enjoy them through the whole month of December, and for as long as they'll fit ;)
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Cozy jammies!
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The next morning Savannah was excited to find out she hadn't eaten the rice krispie turkey leg Nannay and Grampsie had made.  We had to take a picture with it, of course!
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Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

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