I just had to post this picture as proof that we found a black widow spider on our door step about a week ago when we came home from school. Luckily we had sprayed bug spray around all our windows and doors earlier this summer and the spider was nearly dead. My silly husband thought it was cool and kept poking it with his finger, totally freaking me out in the process. I finally convinced him to kill it completely--I know that makes me sound horrible, but the dang thing is poisonous!! This is the first one we've seen since living here for the past year and a half, but several of our neighbors have had them too close for comfort as well. Too bad the apartment owner is too stingy to spray for them. I just hope that it doesn't come down to one of the kids at our complex getting bit before something is done about it. Not a fun thought!
Brock and the Middleton Vikings travel team
11 years ago
Yeah that is kinda gross! Good thing you guys sprayed though! But I might say what a Halloween spook!
We caught a spider on the outside of our window, I think it has been about a month ago or so, but we didn't spray for spiders so it was completely alive! Dead or alive black widows are creepy looking.
I HATE spiders. Some things are better off dead.
OK, seriously, ALL spiders are better off dead! We have Hobo's here. UGH!! Annika and I went to the Body World exhibit last weekend. It was awesome! Thanks for the referral!
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