*Playing catch-up on blogging again, so scroll down to read the last 4 posts!*
We only got a couple of pictures from this New Year's Eve, but we had a great time celebrating with our friends. We ate lots of yummy food, played fun games and just enjoyed being together to welcome in the new year!
Yeah, we're nerds, but it's fun!
*Another baby update for anyone interested*
At our 36 week appointment last Monday, little Rori's heart rate was still low so my doctor sent me in for another non-stress test for double reassurance. The result was the same--she has a low base heart rate at about 115. The doctor at the hospital reviewed the results and said he wanted me to have an ultrasound done because I hadn't had one since 19 weeks when we found out we were expecting a little girl. So, we went for an ultrasound. (Luckily Dar was with me this time.) From the ultrasound they found that everything was measuring right where it should be, except for her abdomen. Apparently we have a skinny baby. They estimated her weight at 5.1 pounds and said her abdomen was measuring between the 5th and 10th percentile (measuring at 33 weeks instead of 36 weeks). It was a little nerve wracking to hear that because the doctor at the hospital told us if she had measured below the 5th percentile they would induce me that day! Holy cow! Wake up call!! Luckily she measured above that and is still sitting toasty warm inside me for the time being. So, thanks to our skinny little girl, I'm having to go in for non-stress tests twice a week now until we deliver. It's been reassuring each time I go for the NSTs though that everything that could be worrisome is measuring where it should be--the amniotic fluid, her blood flow, her movements, etc. And, at the last couple of tests her base heart rate has increased a little bit, which is comforting too. Silly little girl.
At my 37 week appointment yesterday I was dilated to 2.5 centimeters and 80% effaced. Making progress!! It's so stinkin' nice to know we get to meet this little girl in just a few short weeks! Bring it on!!
Happy New Year!!! Thanks for posting! Its fun seeing the pictures!!! Can't wait to see her either!!!!
Good to hear everything is still going well with the pregnancy! Trust me, you do NOT want a preemie! I'm glad Max is healthy but being only 4lbs was a little scary! Good luck with the next few weeks! Can't wait to see her!
I like your blog. It's cute.
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