Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Meeting Cousins

This past weekend was full of pictures and two days of meeting cousins! On Saturday we took A to D's brother's house so he could take pictures of our princess and let the kids hold her since we didn't let them in the hospital. Thanks again for taking pictures, Travis!! Can't wait to see them!

These kids are SO happy to finally have a cousin on their dad's side!
Allie loved A's little feet. She even asked, "Where did these tiny pigs come from?" So cute!
Allie wanted so bad to hold A. We finally let her with a little help ;)
On Sunday my sister and her family came down to meet A. We really appreciated them making the trip down to meet her, and it was fun for us to see them again too.
Miss Hannah holding baby A
Liam couldn't wait to hold her!
And finally Aunt Shannon got to hold her too
When Uncle D got home from church, the kids suddenly got rowdy and had to make sure Uncle D can still do what he does best--swing the kids around in a blanket.
See Hannah's little head poking out?
We are so blessed to be around our family & friends, and so grateful to have so much love and support!


Jared & Tracee said...

How nice! Cousins are God's gift to kids!!! Can't wait for P to meet ALL of his including Rori!!! ;)

AisNy said...

Nice sharing... i wish to have family like your self...