Monday, January 3, 2011

Still alive, no baby yet!

I've had several concerned people (who don't see me very often) ask me if we had the baby already since I haven't blogged in a while. Haha. Nope. No baby yet. I just had my hubby home with me for two weeks for Christmas vacation and haven't been on the computer much, so I'm officially behind on my blogging. But having him home with me for two weeks was pure HEAVEN!! I was so sad to send him back to work this morning. So, here goes to catching up on the last few weeks. I think I'll put several different posts up, so bear with me!

First things first:
Provo Tabernacle burned down--VERY sad day!!

I drove up to work with Darwin the morning of Friday, Dec 17th to meet up with an old friend for lunch and one of Dar's colleagues who carpools with him told us the Tabernacle was on fire. We could totally see the huge plume of smoke from the freeway. So sad!! Dar and I drove by a couple days later to check out the scene and take some pictures of the historic event. As sad as it is, it's still historic. We couldn't get very close to take pictures because they had the roads surrounding the Tabernacle blocked off so the firefighters could work. We've driven past a few other times, and the entire building is gutted and the whole roof collapsed. We're just keeping our fingers crossed that the Church plans to rebuild it as close to the original structure as they can. It was such a beautiful building!!

1 comment:

Jared & Tracee said...

I saw some pictures of it. Crazy!!!! It will be strange to drive pass without it there!!!