Sunday, November 25, 2012

Binky Free!!!

Hallelujah!  That's all I have to say about it.

Actually that's not true.  I have to share how proud I am of our little sweetheart.  She never ceases to amaze me and always seems to surpass my expectations.

I was really nervous to get rid of "binky" because of how attached she was to it (and like I admitted before, I was pretty attached to it too and loved the ease of getting her to sleep with it).  I thought for sure she'd have a conniption without having binky.  I tried once a few months back to wean her from binky during nap time and then let her have it at night and that did not go over well.  She screamed for 45 minutes straight, would not let me rock her or sing to her, and as soon as I gave in and let her have binky she was asleep within a minute.  Little stinker.

So, here's the story:
Last Monday morning while Aurora was distracted watching something on Disney Junior I sneaked into her room with the scissors and made a cut in the binky.  I seriously almost cried.  No joke.  I intentionally went to run errands with her before nap time, hoping she'd get worn out from being out and that it would make things easier for both of us.  Nap time rolled around and she asked for binky so I gave it to her.  She tried to suck on it for a good 5 minutes or so but I could tell from her effort and the look on her face that the clipping had worked.  After a while she took binky out and looked at it like, "What's wrong with this thing?"  She showed it to me and I said, "Uh-oh, binky is broken."  She then said, "Fickit, Mommy," wanting me to fix it.  She also stuck it in my mouth so I could test it out and see that it wasn't working too.  She asked me to fix it a few more times but I told her I couldn't.  I honestly felt really bad, but she was handling it like an angel!  I tried to get her to sleep but she was completely wide awake.  After playing in her crib for almost an hour, I took her out and fed her lunch (usually I feed her before nap time) and tried again.  This time when she put binky in her mouth she kept it in for a couple of minutes and then said, "Garbage," so we went to the kitchen and threw it away.  No crying or anything!!  (Dar actually had me get her binky out of the garbage that night after she went to sleep so we could put it in her keepsake box :) )

She never did take a nap that day, but went to sleep that night like a charm!  She was seriously out within like 5 minutes.  I was worried that she'd decided she was done with nap time since she no longer had her binky, but luckily we're back on schedule like normal.  She has asked for binky a few times, but usually right after reminds herself that binky went in the garbage and we had to throw it away because it was broken.  She has honestly done A-MAZ-ING-LY!! I couldn't have asked for a better weaning processes.  We've been binky free for about a week now and I'm astonished at our little trooper.

Way to go, Aurora!  Mommy and Daddy are SO PROUD OF YOU!!

P.S.  Thank you, friends, for your suggestions and support on this :)

P.P.S.  Blogger is telling me I've used up all my space for pictures and won't let me upload any more.  Has anyone else had this problem, and what did you do to solve it?  I'd rather not pay for more storage space if there's a way to get around it.


Jared & Tracee said...

YAY!!!! Way to go Rori!! I love that she wanted you to fix it! That is the cutest! I had that same problem. I did go to that webpage, and deleted a bunch of pictures that were on the twice. Like a whole album had been uploaded twice. It has seemed to help so far. Let me know though!

Lora said...

What a great way to get rid of it! Horray for Aurora!

I upload through photobucket, and really like it. I feel like if something were to happen to the blog or my pictures on the computer all the pictures I put there are backed up at least twice. Just a thought. Also they are free.

Tiffany said...

YAY! Congrats to you both - I bet it's such a relief to have that over and done with! Good job!

Cassie said...

That is a great idea! I hadn't ever heard of that, but I like it! I like it because it was almost like she made the decision to stop using it by putting it in the garbage :)

And, yes, actually, just two days ago I got the same message - that my Picasa Web Album was full. I tried to delete some pictures from some old blogs, but it wasn't enough. If you google picasa web album you can actually see how much space you have left.

Now I am have moved to using photobucket. Honestly, it is kind of a pain and I am not super happy about it, but it works. And it keeps it free! Good luck!

deechickens said...

As I was blogging today, I got that message my storage space was up, so I went in and deleted some pictures and made extra space. I realized I had uploaded lots of pictures that I never used, because I didn't know if I wanted to us them, so I just uploaded them. But to say the least I will probably have to go to photobucket soon or purchase a book to keep space, my pictures must be big.

The Stevenson's said...

WooHoo!!! Good job to both of you girls :)