Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Yes. I did it.

I created another blog. I know what you are thinking. You're thinking, "Doesn't she blog enough already? I swear there's a new post on here three times a week!"

Well, I've been wanting to start another blog for a while. One with a different feel that entails more of my own inner thoughts, rather than just the adventure of mine and D's life together. I wanted a place to reflect upon the little things that happen in life; the things that make me ponder. It's my Inspiration Point. I hope you'll enjoy walking through my thoughts and that you'll leave lots comments there so we can learn from each other.

I hope we all have our own inspiration point. A place we can go to explore the things of life that help us learn and grow- to become better people.

I hope none of you think that I'm trying to divulge everything about my life through my blogs. The Inspiration Point is really a personal place for me to record the things I think about on a daily basis and to remember where my inspiration comes from in the little moments of my life, to remember where I learned something, or when I had an "Ah-ha" moment. I'm just inviting you to take a peek into this funny little brain of mine, and hopefully I can help some of you to have more of your "Ah-ha" moments, or even to just reflect upon your own lives in a different light. I hope you'll visit Inspiration Point every once in a while, but that you'll ALWAYS leave me a comment. :)

*Note: Inspiration Point is still under construction. Thanks for being patient with me!

1 comment:

Erin said...

Hey Kiara,
It was so good to see you on Sunday--thanks for stopping by Primary!! I'm sorry we didn't get a minute to talk.
Your new blog idea sounds good--I'll head over & check it out.